I've been going through my Jane Austen phase again and I bought The Jane Austen Book Club movie. It was good, in a way, I sort of expected more but when I re-read the plot I remember from a few months ago I figured out that, it's best as it is. I've been wanting to buy some Volcom badly now. Then, for cosplaying, I have to buy Rukia's outfit. Seventy bucks out of my pocket. But I'm sure it's worth it. I feel bad since I haven't submitted anything new to DeviantArt in a long while now. I've mostly been searching and favouriting so many cool fanarts and photos!
I got a new hair cut, everyone keeps saying I look like a little emo kid! Lol > >; I don't mind though. Then, I was told I look like the chica from Cloverfield/The Class. Lizzy Caplan. I can see the resemblance. Then Chelsea kept mentioning how my hair looked like Haley from Paramore except it wasn't all bright. So, the day went on pretty boring. Got good grades. Woo.
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